Friday, January 30, 2009


Ca sa va faceti o idee despre cum is britanicii..
Sa presupunem ca e o urgenta de genul: arde casa, faceti infarct, vine taifunul sau ati aflat ca in 3 secunde aterizeaza un OZN martian fix pe casa/biroul vostru.
Ce faceti? Alergati intr-un suflet la vecin, coleg, prieten, amic, om de pe strada, cea mai apropiata fiinta (britanica) sa ii spuneti, sa o avertizati, sau pur si simplu sa cereti disperat ajutor.
Conversatia decurge ceva de genul:

Me (gasping big time): "Hey, X, Something terrible just happened...."
British person: "Good Morning, Oana. How are you? There is a terrible weather outside, isn't it? It is normal for this time of the year though.."
Me: "Yes, it is raining, indeed. But, you know, something just terrible is going to happen because..."
British person: "Although...they say indeed that Arboath is the sunniest spot on Scotland. So it shouldn't be raining that much, really. Anyway, i certainly hope you have your umbrella with you"
Me: "No, but it does not matter really. What matters is that unfortunately.."
British person: "So how are you, today? I hope you are well. Busy with the work i us all. It is terrible what is happening now, with the credit crunch and all"
Me: "Yes, completely crazy. But let's forget that for now. I am having a heart attack"
British person: "Oh...dear..We must think what it is to be done…You of my uncle had a heart attack a few years ago. Or was it three years ago? Hmm..I must think..It was his daughter’s it shouldn’t have been that long"
Me: “I am sorry to hear that, really. Could you help me just now? Could you call some help or something?”
British person: “Oh dear..I have to think…”
Too late….

Anyway, they are so cute and so calm. Chiar daca nu se descurca ei prea bine cu urgentele, nici nu ai cum sa te superi sau sa te enervezi pe ei. Le invidiez calmul si seninatatea cu care abordeaza orice problema.
Eu stiu ca am fix diplomatia unui bulldozer si abordez lucrurile de parca maine vine apocalipsa. De aceea mi se si pare fascinant sangele lor rece. Poate se prinde ceva si de mine cat stau printre eiJ


Anonymous said...

Cu siguranta de va prinde.
Depinde doar cat vei sta acolo si cat vei aprecia Scotia.
Eu zic ca daca raspunsul la ambele va fi MULT, atunci rezistenta ta la "respingera culturii straine" va scadea si vei veni si cu un "dragutz" accent scottish. Brrr..(aia nu isi inghit limba cand vorbesc?)

Anonymous said...

Nu isi inghit nici o limba...Stai tu linistit(a) ei un accent straniu dar daca te obisnuiesti e chiar simpatic. Ca sunt foarte mandri ei asa din fire....asta e alta poveste...vedeti si marea intoarcere la origini "HOME COMING SCOTLAND 2009"...